Kenya Arts Diary 2014 [online]

Click on any page to see it full size. Scroll down for a complete list of Artists included in this edition as well directories of Galleries/Cultural Centres.

Foreword to the fourth Kenya Arts Diary
What you hold in your hands is the fourth edition of the Kenya Arts Diary. We  are excited to have got so far! Our initial goal, together with making art accessible to people who may not have considered themselves art lovers, was to create a fund to help support young artists. By 2013 assets had built up enough to enable the launch of the long-awaited Kenya Arts Gallery Residence Award (KADRA).

To make up for the late start, not one but two talented young artists were our 2013 recipients. Mike Kyalo of Nairobi spent his residency at Kuona Trust, and Ezra Joab, who comes from Vihiga, near Kisumu, spent his at Kitengela Glass. Kenya Arts Diary covered the cost of one month’s accommodation, meals and pocket money for both artists, and paid for art materials and transport.

Networking was a valuable by-product of the awards as artists from Kuona travelled to Kitengela Glass to see Ezra’s work and the whole establishment. For logistical reasons, Ezra did not participate in the end-of-residency exhibition at Kuona Trust, though he got another chance later to showcase his work. We hope both artists reap the fruit of their experience as the grow as art professionals.

As before, the 2014 Kenya Arts Diary was put together by a team of volunteers. We owe a debt of gratitude to Margaretta wa Gacheru who did most of the work identifying and contacting artists, spotting new talent, and laboring behind the scenes to get KADRA off the ground. She was aided by Donna Pido, Judy Ogana of GoDown Arts Centre and Nani Croze

For the images that bring this book to life, we have to thank most of all enthusiastic amateur photographer Qi Lin, who gave up hours of his weekdays and weekends to meet artists abd shoot their work. Other photographers to thank are the extreme capable Sylvia Gichia of Kuona Trust, aided by Anthony Wachira, also Kuona, among others.

Once again, Peta Meyer of Tara Consultants played her role as conductor of this wayward rchestra, along with being the editor and designer of the publication. Without her, the diary would certainly not have got off the ground. Thank you Peta!

Since the Kenya Arts Diary started in 2011, the art scene in Kenya has grown by leaps and bounds. It is an exciting time to ne an artist in Kenya, and we are glad to have played our small part in this growth by bringing art and artists to the public eye. If you would like to join us in this, please get in touch as new blood to aid our venture would be very welcome.

Nani Croze
The Kenya Arts Diary Group
Kitengela Group
Kitengela Glass Research and Training Trust

Art Galleries

Banana Hill Art Gallery, Off Limuru Rd

Bobea Art Centre, Nairobi

Bonzo Art Gallery, Nairobi.

Circel Art Agency, Lavington, Nairobi

Diani Beach Art Gallery, Diani Beach Shopping Centre

Edward Orato Arts, Kisumu

GoDown Arts Centre, Dunga Rd, Industrial Area

Johann Art Models, Kisumu

Kisumu Art House

Kisumu Cultural Forum

Kitengela Glass Gallery

Kuona Trust, Likoni Close, Hurligham

Lily Pond, Nanyuki

Lisa Christoffersen’s Home Gallery, Runda

Little Art Gallery, Nairobi and Kisumu

Maasai Mbili Art Centre, Kibera Rd, Kibera

Matbronze Wildlife Art, Langata

Mechthild Gallery at Kitengela Glass Studios

Murumbi Gallery, Kenya National Archives, Moi Ave, CBD

My Eye Gallery/ Ali Lamu, Shela – Lamu

Nairobi Art Centre, Lavington

Nairobi Gallery, Old PC’s Office, Kenyatta Ave, CND

Nairobi Museum Creativity Gallery

Ngecha Artist Association, Off Limuru Rd, Ngecha

One Off Contemporary Art Gallery, Rosslyn Lone Tree, Gigiri

Paa ya Paa Arts Centre, Paa ya PaaLane, Ridgeways

Pimbi Gallery, Lavington

Pnii’sCoffee and Crafts, Parklands

Railway Museum Art Gallery

Red Hill Art Gallery, Limuru

Roots Space, Nairobi

Sane Art Centre, Naivasha

Shifteye Gallery, Hurlighum

Studio Victor Nyambok, Kisumu

Tazama Galleries, Nairobi

Wallartz rt Gallery, Ngong Road, Nairobi

Wildebeeste Workshop, Lamu

Yamogo rt project, Muchatha

Zingira Nyanza

Cultural Centres

African Heritage House, Mombasa Rd

Alliance Francaise, Loita St, CBD

British Council, Upper Hill

GoDown Arts Centre, Dunga Rd, Industrial Area

Goethe-institute, Monrovia St, CBD

Italian Institute, Grenadier Tower, Westlands, Westlands

Karen Bixen Museum, Karen

Kuona Trust, Likoni Close, Hurligham

Michael Joseph Centre, Waiyaki way

National Museums of Kenya, Museum Hill

Sarakasi Trust, Ngara Rd, Ngara

Restaurant Gallaries

Le Rustique Restaurant, General Mathenge Dr,Westands

Talisman Restaurant, Ngong Rd, Karen

Index of Featured Artists

Artists are listed by the first day of the week on which they appear, e.g Abbakar, Hassan Fadul January 13. Artists appearing outside of the calendar section are listed ‘front of the book’

Abbakar, Hassan FadulJanuary 20

Ahmed, Abushaariaa  front of book

Ammar, Sala   July 7

Bertiers, Joseph          January 6

Binge, Victor  Dec/ Jan 2014

Dawalbeit, Eltayeb     August 4

Dumbelton, Sue          May 19

Earshaw, Moyra          January13

Ekube, Ermias front of book

Elungat, Peter December 8

Garang, Lionel            December 15

Jeffah, Nur      September 1

Karibu, Cyrus December 22

Kaigwa, Gakunju        November 17

Kaloki, Dickson          April 7

Kamwathi, Peterson    December 1

Karuri, Ras Githaka    November 24

Kasambeko, Paul        January 27

Kichapi, Ehoodi          November 10

Kimathi, Richard        May 5

Kindeh, Omosh           November 3

Kinuthia, Patrick         September 15

Kwalanda, Edwin       August 18

Kyalo, Mike    March31

Malamba, Ashif George         front book

Mang’ong’o, Sidney   October 20

Maundu, Paul  January 5, 2015

Mbera, Robin  October 13

Mboya, Tom   April 14

Mburu, Harrison         July 14

Mbuthia, James           June 23

Mohammed, Yassir Ali          June2

Mukabi, Patrick          front of book

Muraguri, Denis          April 28

Muthoni, Maryann      March 17

Muturi, Njee   March 24

Mwangi, Shabu           September 22

Ngugi, Peter    October 27

Njenga, Edward          September 8

Njoroge, Andrew       March 10

Njuguna, Samuel        March 3

Nyawanda, Moses      front of book

Odongo, Emily           August 25

Oiro, Meshack February 17

Okello, Anthony         August 11

Omolo, Brian  May 26

Onditi, Paul     July 28

Opondo, Wycliffe       February 24

Otieno, Kota   May 12

Qi Lin July 21

Rampelberg, Chelenge van    front of book

Soi, Michael    October 6

Suryavanshi, Poonam   December 29

Uhuru B          February 10

Waite, Yoni    June 30

Wangui, Florence         April 21

Wanjiku, Beatrice       February 3

Wanjiru, Nadia           June 16

Wekesa, Ian    June 9

Wekesa, Camille    September 29

Who’s who behind the Kenya Arts Diary 2014

The Kenya Arts Diary Group is a volunteer group af artists and art lovers who first got together in 2010 to publish this annual diary in order to promote Kenyan artists and their art. It is not-for-for profit group and proceeds from sales and advertising fund the Kenya Arts Diary Residency Award (KADRA) to support promising young artists with apprenticeships and residencies, working under established artists in Kenya.

The 2014 Kenya Arts Diary Group comprised

Kul Bhakoo, Nani Croze, Margaretta wa Gacheru, Sylvia Gichia, Diana Maigwa, Peta Meyer, Judy Ogana, Donna Pido.

Coordination, editing and design by Peta Meyer af Tara Consultants. Photography by Qi Lin, Sylvia Gicia, Anthony Wachira and Margaretta wa Gacheru, with additional images by Dominic Martin, James Muriuki, Aernout Zevenbergen and others. Logistics support provided by GoDown Arts Centre and Kuona Trust.

Artist biographies provided by the artists or artists’ representative or written by Peta Meyer, Donna Pido and Margaretta wa Gacheru, with thanks to Dr Eric Krystall for additional writing. Diana Maigwa took charge of advertising and retail distribution.

All artwork images featured in this publication are either original photographs taken for the exclusive use of the Kenya Arts Diary 2014, or digital images supplied by the artists or artists’ representative, and used here with the permission of the artist. We thank all the artists for the use of their images and their permission for reproduction. Contact details given for artists have been supplied by the artists or their representatives.

Published and printed by Kul Graphics Limited on behalf of the Kenya Arts Diary and Kitengela Glass Research and Training Trust.

©Kenya Arts Diary GroupAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any for or by any means, electronic or mechanical or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner

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